Monday, December 23, 2019

Memory Technique Essay - 1159 Words

Have you ever noticed how hard it can be to remember something in class especially for a test? Many students have trouble identifying why they have trouble recalling. A lot of the problem could very well be what forms of techniques they are using to study. To be able to find the best way to study a student needs to realize the ways in which information is stored. It is the goal of this paper to help students to better study and identify ways in which they can achieve this. The paper will include how information is made into a memory, how study habits can affect this by using my own example, and showcase three recommendations that psychologists have given for effective studying. These being effective note taking, the keyword technique,†¦show more content†¦So, a professor armed with this knowledge will present information in multiple ways to insure that there information makes the transition to short term memory. Feldman refers to this period of continuous exposure to info rmation as rehearsal (Feldman, 2009). If a professor is successful, this transition will take place. To retain and keep information there and even moving it into long term memory takes even more rehearsal, also known to most as studying. It is this process in which we will elaborate on and explain why they are the methods that work most effectively. The first suggestion in helping aide in retention that we will discuss is effective note taking. This may sound simple to write down information however, it takes practice to do it effectively. The text suggests operating on the Less is more rule (Feldman, 2009). This phrase means to take notes that help facilitate recall, listen to the lecture and write down just the key points such as new terms, or definitions. This is a huge change from what I was taught in high school. The method that I was taught was to literally write down everything that sounded important from the lecture that was given. This ineffective method forced me t o have to reread the text and then study my notes to pick out information that wasn’t covered in the reading. Eventually, I learned to take notes before the lecture, and then use the notesShow MoreRelatedMemory Of The Memory Palace Technique805 Words   |  4 PagesMemory Palaces The Memory Palace technique also known as the Method of loci (loci being Latin for â€Å"Palaces) is a method of memory enhancement which uses visualizations with the use of spatial memory, familiar information about one s environment, to quickly and efficiently recall information. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019

Modernisation and emotional maturity Free Essays

In modern society, education alone can provide the most dependable and the most effective apparatus for accelerating growth and development in all spheres of human austerity. Now we live in the technological era. The technology of 21st Century has revolutionized and enhanced our way of life. We will write a custom essay sample on Modernisation and emotional maturity or any similar topic only for you Order Now The public expects technology to have a similar revolutionary effect on education. Energy technologies and resulting globalization also provide unlimited possibilities for exciting new discoveries and developments such as new forms of energy, medical advances restoration of environmentally ravaged areas, communication and exploration into space and into the depth of the oceans. From the beginning of life till now life has been changing. Change is the law of nature, and changes in Society are always taking place. At times these changes are slow. Sometime they are so slow that people do not even perceive them. However, there are times when they are also rapid and drastic. All spheres of living things are changing. The word modernization is derived from Latin word ‘mood’ means modern. Modernization refers to a model of a progressive transition from a ‘pre-modern’ or ‘traditional’ to a ‘modern’ society. Modernization as a form of cultural response attributes which are basically universalistic and evolutionary. Modernization is generally regarded as a process of change-change of traditional Society into a Society based on Science and technology. Modernization refers to a model of a progressive transition from a ‘pre-modern’ or ‘traditional’ to a ‘modern’ society. Modernization can best be defined as the process of transforming the old traditional society and nations to the modernity in the fields of social, economic, industrial, technological, political, cultural and educational advancement. Heraclites as beautifully laid down that it is impossible for a man to step into the same river twice. It is so because in the interval of time between the first and the second stepping both the river and the man have changed their positions. In the words of Moore, † modernization as a revolutionary change leading to transformation of a traditional society into an advanced, economically prosperous and relatively politically stable society. † Toward consider modernization as â€Å"the transformations in attitudes, institutions, and ideologies that are associated with processes such as arbitration and industrialization. â€Å"There is nothing more permanent than change. † Modernization is not westernizes purely. The modernized society believes in co- existence, co-operation and compromise rather than in competition and conflict. Modernization can be achieved only by improving and extending education. Again education, both the formal and informal is a means of communication. The transmission of meaning has important functions like colonization, surveillance, consensus building, raising expectations, focusing attention, broadening mental horizons, creating new attitudes, and values arousing interest in innovation, teaching kills, and encouraging experimentation. Each of these functions has relevance for programmer of modernization. Hence, the formal education if imaginatively and purposefully employed can be a powerful instrument of Modernization. The education today is linked with development. Education is the main agency for the development of attitudes, interests and values and the teacher is its main agent. The class consists of different types of students and they differ in their interest, ‘Q, attitude, achievement etc. Some students change with the changing time, some don’t. There are certain causes behind this kind of difference in attitude. Emotions are important in our lives. Our emotions have the potential to serve us as a delicate and sophisticated interval guidance system. In the present circumstances, youth as well as children are facing difficulties in life. These difficulties are giving rise to many psychosomatic problems such as anxiety, tensions, frustrations and emotional upsets in day to day life. So, the study of emotional life is now emerging as a descriptive science. It deals with interplay of forces with intensities and quantities. Emotional maturity is not only the effective determinant of personality pattern, but it also helps o control the growth of adolescent’s development. The concept ‘Mature’ emotional behavior of any level is that which reflects the fruits of normal emotional development. A person who is able to keep his emotions under control, which is able to break delay and to suffer without self-pity, might still be emotionally stunned and childish. According to Walter et al. (1976), emotional maturity is a process in which the personality is continuously striving for â€Å"greater sense of emotional health, both intra-psychically and intra personality. † Emotional stability is one of the seventh important indicators of mental health. It simply means being grown up so that one may be able to personally manage his/her desires and feelings and may be better able to cope up the adverse life situations in a most befitting and socially approved manner. The most outstanding mark of emotional maturity is ability to bear tension. Life is becoming fast with the advancement of science and technology. Though man has conquered time and space to a great extent by the present level of scientific advancement, yet there is great threat to his existence. The Indian society is becoming increasingly materialistic. Emotional pressure is increasing day by day specially at higher secondary school stage. Unrest, anxiety and frustrations are occurring in all the spheres of life. Parents have no time to spend and guide their children. Students are frequently troubled with their daily problems because they do not have the capacity and training to solve problems. Our educational system also provides no direction to the children. Citizens of tomorrow are children attending today’s schools. Those children in their capacity of being the future administrators, engineers, doctors and last but not least the citizens of the country must be brought p in a way worthy of the obligations which they owe to their community and their country at large. They should normally possess the best physical and mental health for performing their duties. But unless something is done to help the child, he will continue to suffer from anxiety due to heavy work load. Due to high anxiety, child develops certain personality traits which inhibit his proper physical, emotional and social development. All these factors add to emotional tensions of the child and make him an unbalanced personality. In later years, such a child because of his under plopped personality becomes a burden for the society in one form or the other. In this modern world of science and technology, nothing but change is eternal. This generation of ours, lives at the mercy of science and technology. It is believed that science based technology is the ‘column bunkum’ of our life. Moreover, there is a lot of competition in every walk of life. Here Darning’s law of survival of the fittest is truly valid. Only those who succeed can survive. This rapid change in man’s life due to advancement in scientific technology has made man’s life easy and comfortable but t the same time has created many complexities too. Apparently, man appears to be happy but internally, he is full of conflicts. Parents and educational institutions pressurize the children to excel in academics and other areas of performance. There are several things one may feel like doing because of his emotions but emotional maturity will keep him doing the right thing and may even help him to remain calm in the most difficult situations. Emotional maturity is the ability to differentiate and properly identify one’s emotions while granting himself the freedom to experience whatever emotion is appropriate to a given situation. Adolescence is the most crucial and significant period of an individual’s life. It is a period of rapid revolutionary changes in the individual’s physical, mental, moral, spiritual, sexual and social outlook. It is a period to learn new things, and it is a period of anxieties, worries, conflicts, complexities, and ambitions. Adolescence is the period of heightened emotionality. It is the most demanding period in one’s life- a period of storm and stress because accurate portrayal of self to others, which is an identifying criterion of healthy personality, is in the process of establishment during this period. The present study is on modernization and emotional maturity of higher secondary students. The study attempts to analyze the various aspects of modernization and emotional maturity among higher secondary students. The end of the twentieth century and beginning of the twenty first century have seen an unprecedented upsurge in activities revolving around the teenage adolescence students. It is the dire need of the hour that as teenage adolescence students we should have proper emotional development to rightly use our human emotions. So our minds have something vital to do with our emotions and we should have a self concept to control our emotions with the mind! But our emotions need to be understood, taught, trained and controlled by the mind! Emotional maturity moves beyond intelligence to a higher state of consciousness, guided by what one senses, feels and intuits, and one’s heart. Modernization and Emotional maturity is a tool for promoting students’ mental health and personality. The specific needs for identifying these phenomena of Emotional Maturity and modernization are natural and inevitable outcome of student growth and development rather than among pathological symptom. The Emotional maturity becomes important in the behavior of individuals. As the dents are the pillars of the future generations their value pattern and emotional maturity are vital. So the present study intends to measure the emotional maturity and modernization level of the Higher Secondary school students. Citizens of tomorrow are children attending today’s schools. Those children in their capacity of being the future administrators, engineers, doctors and last but not least the citizens of the country must be brought up in a way worthy of the obligations which they owe to their community and their country at large. They should normally possess the best physical and mental health for performing their duties. But unless something is done to help the child, he will continue to suffer from anxiety due to heavy work load. Due to high anxiety, child develops certain personality traits which inhibit his proper physical, emotional and social development. All these factors add to emotional tensions of the child and make him an unbalanced personality. In later years, such a child because of his under developed personality becomes a burden for the society in one form or the other. The Emotional maturity becomes important in the behavior of individuals and the development of education is depending to the level of modernization. As the students are the pillars of the future generations their modernization and Emotional maturity are vital ones. So the present study intends to measure the Modernization tenets and Emotional Maturity of Higher Secondary school students. The study will help and guide teachers and parents in taking necessary steps to develop psychological attitude of the pupils in proper lines. Schools are an important place where children have contacts with their peers, form friendship, and participate in social groups and with other children. As children grow from infancy through adolescence, peers are increasingly important in their lives. Their interactions become more complex with age. In adolescence peer relationships affect whole personality. The specific needs for identifying these phenomena of Emotional Maturity and modernization are natural and inevitable outcome of student growth and development rather than among pathological symptom. The Emotional maturity becomes important in the behavior of individuals. As the students are the pillars of the future generations their value pattern of Emotional Maturity are vital. For all these reasons this study on the Emotional Maturity and modernization level of Higher Secondary school students is relevant and is a need of the time. How to cite Modernisation and emotional maturity, Papers

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Community Based Health Service Delivery System

Question: Discuss about theCommunity Based Health Service Delivery System. Answer: Tonys Perspective Core Treatment Needs/Goals Mental health is an important aspect of healthcare in various healthcare systems among various jurisdictions all over the world. However, many healthcare systems have not been able to come up with a comprehensive mental health plan majorly due to the fact that planning for mental health is very costly and requires huger financial investments. Therefore, poor mental health is a global problem. Individuals who suffer from mental health are more likely to suffer higher rates of disability, mortality, and morbidity than individuals who dont suffer from the same. (Levinthal, 2014).One of the countries with a high number of mental health cases is Australia although the country has taken considerable steps to address the problem by coming up with a National Mental Health Strategy and allocating over 7billion dollars to fund mental health related services. (Beardslee, 2011). For instance, it is estimated that approximately 45% of Australians develop mental health problems such as depression and anxiety disorder. The purpose of this assignment is to conduct a mental health assessment for Tony, an individual in Australia by answering the following questions from both Tonys perspective and Julie (his wife) perspective. Tony is among the many Australian adults suffering from depression and anxiety disorders (Kolb, 2006).The following are the core treatment needs/goals for Tony; Engage in productive work by engaging in a professional occupation to keep himself busy Participate in an extracurricular activity or sports.Beeing able to excel in sports will make Tony to feel good about himself and boost his self-esteem Tony should learn emotional regulation, problem- solving skills and general skills on how to cope in his new environment. Having migrated from the United Kingdom has taken a toll on Tony who is not able to reconcile himself with his new environment in a foreign country.Equiping him with necessary skills to cope in a new environment will go a long way in helping his emotional state to be stable According to Hodgkinson (2009), mental disorders can be described with signs and symptoms which may vary between specific disorders. The above treatment needs are based on the fact that Tony is suffering from depression which has led him to substance abuse particularlyalcohol. Furthermore, he is demonstrating all the symptoms of depression ranging from withdrawal, emotional disconnect from family and aggressivebehavior. The above treatment goals are aimed at helping Tony overcome his depression and restore himself to the person his wife, Julie once knew him to be. It seems Tonys depression has something to do with the fact he just emigrated to a foreign country with so much to deal with.Moreover,the medication he was given when he was younger may have caused some childhood trauma to him which is a trigger to his mental health problems. (Nevis, 2013) Options for Addressing Tonys Treatment Needs/Goals Under the current Victorian mental health service delivery model, individuals with mental illness and their family members are the major decisions makers regarding assessment, treatment, and recovery of mental illness patients (Azmi, 2008).Under this model of mental health service delivery, mental health services are based on age groups and geographical regions. This mental health plan for the state of Victoria in Australia is a model for other states in Australia who want to initiates a comprehensive mental health services plan for their residents. Under the current Victorian mental health services delivery model, Tony has two major options to be able to meet and achieve his treatment needs/goals. These options are Adult Specialists Mental Health Services (ASMH) and Psychiatric Disability Rehabilitation and Support Services. (Harrison, 2015) Under the Adult Specialists Mental Health Services, Tony will be able to access a variety of mental health services which may help him attain his treatment goals. These services include the critical assessment and treatment, acute in-patient services, early interventions and prevention and recovery care services. I am confident that the services available in Adult Specialists Mental Health Services will enable Tony to cope with his emotional statement of mind. The Psychiatric Disability Rehabilitation and Support Services provide psychosocial rehabilitation programs for individuals with serious psychological disability. Although Tony psychological disability is not serious, the services provided under this program will be very helpful to him. (Morgan, 2011) Julies Perspective Tonys Core Treatment Needs/Goals Research has shown that the friends and family of individuals with mental health problems are usually directly affected by those problems arising from individuals they care about. This situation is even worse if a spouse is suffering from mental disorders like the case of Julie and her husband Tony. It is for these reasons that the Victorian mental health services delivery model recognized the need to involve family members in decisions regarding the treatment of those individuals they care about. Julie, Tonys wife is concerned about her husband and from her own perspective, the following are the core treatment needs for Tony; Tony needs to develop anger management skills. This will enable him to suppress his aggressive tendencies which can cause physical harm to his wife and daughter. Tony should identify areas of interest and strength and become involved actively in activities that promote those strengths. This will enable Tony to occupy himself mentally which may help him become emotionally stable. Tony should be helped to identify negative and maladaptive thoughts and learn to replace those thoughts with positive and adaptive thoughts to be able to cope with the current situation. (Lawrence, 2015 Julies Options for Meeting Tonys Treatment Goals Since Tony is adamant about seeking treatment claiming that doctors have always had it for him, Julie will have to seek compulsory treatment orders. This is because at this point Tony does not express any interest to being treated and has demonstrated that he can cause physical harm to both his wife and daughter Chloe. Julie will have to seek an assessment order for compulsory treatment so that an authorized psychiatrist can examine Tony. Due to Tonys recent aggressive behavior towards Julie; he qualifies to undergo compulsory treatment orders. Julie can also seek non-residential community mental health services where Tony will be able to access critical assessments and treatment with the support of mobile support and treatment. This will enable Tony to receive both in-patient and community treatment services in a short period of time. (March, 2016) Analysis of the Current System The Victorian mental health services model is good for addressing the mental health needs of many individuals in the state of Victoria. However; the mental health service delivery model does not balance the treatment needs of the patient in question versus the treatment needs of those taking care of him. The model does not address the mental health disparities among the white majority and minority aboriginal people. Fortunately, the current mental health service delivery model allows individuals and families to be able to seek a second opinion from a psychiatrist regarding mental health problems. (Nevis, 2013) This will help in being able to reconcile the treatment needs of an individual suffering from mental health problems and the treatment needs from the family perspectives because they are the ones who take care of him/her. The fact that the Victorian mental health service delivery model allows a patient with mental health problems to have a say and participate in the decision making process to determine his/her treatment and recovery services is commendable. However, the same will not be the case when an individual is suffering from mental disability which may render him/her incapable of making decisions regarding assessment, treatment and recovery. This is where family members and care takers are able to step in and determine the individuals treatment needs or goals. (Kolb, 2006). References Azmi, F. T. (2008). The Mental Health Bill: An explanatory guide, Department of Health Beardslee, W. R. (2011). Prevention of Mental Disorders, Substance Abuse, and Problem Behaviors: A Developmental Perspective. Harrison, R. (2015). (2010). National Mental Health Guide: Australias Mental Health Services under the National Mental Health Strategy. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia. Hodgkinson, M. (2009). Primary Care Partnerships: Integrated Care Branch of the Wellbeing, State of Victoria, Department of Health Kolb, D. (2006). National Mental Health Report: tracking progress of mental health reform in Australia. Canberra: Commonwealth of Australia. Lawrence D. (2015). The Mental Health of Children and Adolescents: Report on the second Australian Child and Adolescent Survey of Mental Health and Wellbeing. Canberra: Department of Health. Levinthal, D. A. (2014). National survey of mental health and wellbeing: summary of results, Australia, 2007. Canberra: ABS. March, J. G. (2016). Health and Immunization: Mental disorders Morgan V.A. (2011). People Living With Psychotic Illness. Canberra: Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing. Nevis, E. C. (2013). Mental Health: Australian action plan